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Davac 4.0

Davac 4 was succesfully built by OK1USW, OK1UGE and OK2JTB.

Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram of Davac 4.0


Note: 600 DPI have images in Full resolution, MediaWiki uses thumbnails.

PCB www.hamshop.cz


Ondra OK1CDJ has made PCBs and offers it at www.hamshop.cz. Many TNX!

SMT variant by OK2JTB

All data: File:Davac4-ok2jtb.zip

Made by OK1UDC(SK) & OK1UGE

Note OK1ZIA: better use USB-B type connector

Combined Davac4 and contest machine RPi

Guys from OK1RPL made this amazing compact contest solution.