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Revision as of 06:58, 11 June 2010 by Ok1zia (talk | contribs)
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Run mode

Turns on run mode as known from HF logs. It reduces keystrokes and automatically sends CW memories:

  • CW0 (CQ $MC TEST) - sent after QSO save
  • CW1 ($C $R $MX) - sent after callsign
  • CW2 (TU QRZ) sent after qso number, exchange or locator

If rig is connected, it clears rit after QSO save (supported only on subset of radios)

S&P mode

Cancel run mode.

TX 1st, 2nd

For MS/AS operation. When turned on, press F5-F12 to run CQ. Tucnak will transmit ONLY in first/second half of minute.

TX odd, even

As above, tucnak will transmit only in odd/even minute.


Opens dialog for antenna rotator control.

Add Error

If you already have had unfinished QSO with the station you can mark this QSO as Error QSO and make complete QSO later. Function add QSO with ERROR callsign. This QSO is not covered by statistics.

Change Operator

Change operator dialog

Sets operator's callsign. The callsign is used for talk. It's also saved with each QSO for statistics. If you check the box, operator's callsign will be set for all bands.

Callsign info

Show all available informations about station.

QRG for skeds

Set here your clean frequency or frequency where you call CQ. Other stations will see it when sending sked to you. So sked will be settled on your qrg. Format is free (.262 etc.)


If you use CAT/CI-V cable to communicate with your radio, you can fix frequency offset on band. Ideal if you use transverter to higher bands, tucnak show real not IF frequency.


You can choose one of read-write band on other tucnaks. Then you will see all what other operator is typing. Ideal for co-operation of two operators on one band.

Spy end

End spying.

Update C_W from contest

Adds pair callsign - locator from all bands to actual [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnakcw|tucnakcw] database.

Update C_W from band

Adds pair callsign - locator from active band to actual [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnakcw|tucnakcw] database.

Update EXC DB from contest

Adds pair callsign - optional exchange from all bands to proper tucnakexcXXX.

Update EXC DB from band

Adds pair callsign - optional exchange from active band to proper tucnakexcXXX.

Import DL8EBW database

Load the VHF-Database by VHF-DX-Group from file /usr/share/tucnak1/vhf.dbf. Import only WWLs and names, and saves them to files ~/tucnak/tucnakcw and ~/tucnak/tucnaknames. More details see on Howto import DL8EBW database