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Program automaticaly recognizes kind of typed items and correctly put it into unfinished QSO where is located above input line.

  • Callsign - e.g. OK1MZM, HB0/OK1MCS/P. If QSO with the station in the contest exists then dialogue Duplicate QSO is displayed. When tucnak doesn't recognize entered string as callsign (exotic callsign), enter slash after callsign (SP0PAPA/).
  • Report and contest number from other station are written together - 59001. Number higher as 1000 is written with `_' character (59_1001). When QSO NR is not used, it is recognised as EXC.
  • Only report from other station - 59, (trailing comma). You can set "2-3 digits" setting to RSTR to allow entering without comma.
  • Only report to other station - 59' (trailing apostrophe)
  • Only number 001; (trailing semicolon). Numbers >= 1000 can be written directly.
  • Locator - e.g. JN69PV. You can enter 69PV only, it will be completed by nearest locator.
  • Date - 20030809
  • Time - e.g. 14.22, is possible to write short record as .22
  • Suffix/locator - e.g. AB can be suffix of station or last two characters of locator.
  • Suffix - three letters mean suffix only
  • Optional exchange - any string ended by point (.).
  • Q - QSL send request.
  • #REMARK - remark to report. In input line isn't possible write any space characters.
  • Save QSO - if all items of QSO are written QSO may be saved by ENTER key.
  • Rig frequency - point followed by 3 digits - keeps MHz, changes only kHz (.300 on 2m set 144300.000kHz)
  • Rig band + frequency - point followed by 4-9 digits - sets frequency in kHz (.144300 sets 144300.000kHz no matter which band is active)

It is possible to write more items which are delimited by space characters. If any item isn't recognized then it's displayed left above top input line.

Hint: You can return all to QSOs line byAlt+P

Contests with Optional Exchange

  • Universal way is enter "59 DPM."
  • Alphabetical OE enter as "59DPM" (only when QSO number is not used)
  • If you use Verified Exchange, you're able to enter exchange without trailing dot
  • If you use Free or Multiplied Exchange, you can also enter exchange without trailing dot. But it is tested at last (with lowest priority)
  • You can not use OE with space. Use -,_ or . (dot) instead.