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New in Tucnak3. Connection to ON4KST chat does not use telnet, it connects directly to server which allows better integration with Tucnak. Enter your account information in [[Setup#Contest_defaults|Contest defaults]]. Then press Enter. Tucnak will enter username and password. If you have opened contest and all read-write bands belongs to one type of KST chat, tucnak enters also chat number. At end of chat with server Tucnak sets your personal name by command /set name.
New in Tucnak3. Connection to ON4KST chat does not use telnet, it connects directly to server which allows better integration with Tucnak. Enter your account information in [[Setup#Contest_defaults|Contest defaults]]. Then press Enter. Tucnak will enter username and password. If you have opened contest and all read-write bands belongs to one type of KST chat, tucnak enters also chat number. At end of chat with server Tucnak sets your personal name by command /set name.

After disconnect, you can press Enter again. To manually disconnect, exit Tucnak or press Ctrl+V then C followed by Enter.
After disconnect, you can press Enter again. To manually disconnect, use Kill connection in menu [[Subwins]] or press Ctrl+V then C followed by Enter.

Keys Ctrl+K show dialog:
Keys Ctrl+K show dialog:
Line 17: Line 17:
[[Image:WkstContext.png|none|frame|KST context menu]]
[[Image:WkstContext.png|none|frame|KST context menu]]

* ''Ask for sked'' - Format message in the form: "GM Claudio, PSE sked .120 on 3cm OK?". You must have callsign name in [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnaknames|Name database]], and set [[Sked#QRG_for_sked|QRG for sked]].
* ''Select'' - Select callsign - it means it is important for you, spot is colored yellow. Worked calls are displayed in dark yellow
* ''Select'' - Select callsign - it means it is important for you, spot is colored yellow. Worked calls are displayed in dark yellow
* ''Hide'' - Hide callsign - spots are displayed dark grey. Use for example for not QRV calls
* ''Hide'' - Hide callsign - spots are displayed dark grey. Use for example for not QRV calls
Line 27: Line 28:
Long lines are split to fit in the window.
Long lines are split to fit in the window.

Output of /sh us command is parsed and output is added into [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnakcw|C_W]] and [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnaknames|name]] database. Yout must enter command manualy. Files are saved together with other contest files (F2, new QSO enterer or QSO arrived from network).
Output of /sh us command is parsed and output is added into [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnakcw|C_W]] and [[Files#.7E.2Ftucnak.2Ftucnaknames|Name]] database. Yout must enter command manualy. Files are saved together with other contest files (F2, new QSO enterer or QSO arrived from network).
Note: Tucnak prevents to enter 2-7 numbers to avoid to send contest code to KST. If you have only numeric password, store it in [[Setup#Contest_defaults|Contest defaults]].
See also: [[RS and AS in Tucnak]]

Line 33: Line 41:

You can run here any text-mode command. Good for telnet connection to ON4KST chat, DX cluster or WW-convers. All DX cluster spots are recognized and displayed in DXC window.
You can run here any text-mode command. Good for telnet connection to ON4KST chat, DX cluster or WW-convers. All DX cluster spots are recognized and displayed in DXC window.
Since 3.0 please use specialized windows for [[#KST|ON4KST chat]] and [[#DX Cluster|DX Cluster]].

Line 40: Line 50:
[[Image:Wqsos.png|none|frame|QSOs window]]
[[Image:Wqsos.png|none|frame|QSOs window]]

Use cursor keys to move cursor. Press ENTER to [[Edit QSO|edit QSO]].
Use cursor keys to move cursor. Press ENTER to [[Edit QSO|edit QSO]]. Press A to see QSOs from all bands.

[[Image:Whf.png|none|frame|HF window]]
This window contains all information needed for HF contest like missing multipliers, rate, band and total score, DXCC info, sunrise/sunset, distance, azimut, calls from master.scp and band map.
For more detailed info look at [[HF contest setup]] page. 

=QRV list=
=QRV list=
Feature for microwaves. You can prepare list of stations QRV in this contest. Based on last contests or on other source you have. In 2.27-2.34 is support only for qrv list loading. Save support is since 2.35. Recommended way to add your items before contest is:
[[Image:Wqrv.png|none|frame|QRV list]]
Feature for microwaves. Show unworked calls from [[Files#qrv|qrv file]]. You can sort list by any column to see calls which will give you maximal benefit. WKD column means number of QSOs on current band in latest contests. AcKST show time of last activity of station on ON4KST chat. Text is prefilled by source of information but you can enter anything you want.
You must manually prepare list of stations QRV in this contest. Based on last contests or on other source you have. In 2.27-2.34 is support only for qrv list loading. Save support is since 2.35. Recommended way to add your items before contest is:
# Create new contest
# Create new contest
# Close contest
# Close contest
Line 56: Line 76:

[[Image:Wlog.png|none|frame|Log window]]
In this window are various program messages - informations, warnings, errors, talk messages, sked informations, direct ON4KST messages and httpd log. Latests lines are showed on last lines of screen (number can be set in [[Setup#Miscellaneous_options|Misc options]] and saved in [[Files#log|log]] file.

[[Image:Wplayer.png|none|frame|WAV player window]]
Visualization of replayed contest WAV's. On the top is full file view. Bottom is detailed view of played part of file.
* '''Left arrow''' - seek backward 2 secs
* '''Right arrow''' - seek forward 1 sec
* '''Down arrow''' - seek backward 10 secs
* '''Up arrow''' - seek forward 10 secs
* '''P''' or '''Space''' - play same file again


[[Image:Wchart.png|frame|none|Chart window]]
Show points versus time progress chart for current band (white). You can press:
* Insert to choose contest and compare with all bands in this contest
* Home to add TXT or EDI file from out of contest tree. If you choose edi file, only this file is added. If you choose txt file, Tucnak loads all txt files from choosen directory.
Colour of compare chart is hash of directory name.
Last line are time and points for corresponding point under mouse cursor.
Small square and line down is the operator change mark.
[[Image:Wskeds.png|frame|none|Sked window]]
All skeds for current band sent by [[Sked]] function. Brown rows are worked.

Line 69: Line 118:

=DX Cluster=
=DX Cluster=
[[Image:Wdxc.png|none|frame|DX cluster window]]
New in 3.01. Layout of window is divided into two parts:
The left contains traditional spot view in time axis. Without contest all spots are shown. During contest spots are filtered and Tucnak shows spots only on read-write bands.
After start the DXC window is disconnected. For connect, fill your credentials in [[Setup#Contest_defaults|Contest defaults]], activate window and pres Enter. Program tries to login without user interaction. In connected mode Tucnak sends all spot over local network for other instances.
Right side shows bandmap. It shows spots for current band. If you have [[Setup#Rig_options|rig connected]], you can see band map around your frequency. No manual scrolling is possible in current version. Main application window must be at least 98 chars wide to show bandmap.
Frequency colors:
* white: spot is up to 15 minutes old
* grey: spot is 15-60 minutes old
* older spots are deleted
Callsign colors:
* grey: normal
* yellow: selected callsign
* brown: selected worked callsign
* dark grey: hidden callsign
Please read [[Subwin_types#Highlighting|Highlighting section]].
==Context menu==
Right button click is showing context menu. If you click on callsign, it uses callsign under cursor. Otherwise spotted station.
[[Image:WdxcContext.png|none|frame|KST context menu]]
* ''Select'' - Select callsign - it means it is important for you, spot is colored yellow. Worked calls are displayed in dark yellow
* ''Hide'' - Hide callsign - spots are displayed dark grey. Use for example for not QRV calls
* ''Info'' - Show [[Call info]] about callsign
* ''Use'' - Enter call in main band inputline. If you use [Setup#Rig_options|rig control] it also sets frequency on it.

=Unfinished QSOs=
=Unfinished QSOs=
Line 77: Line 163:
[[Image:Wstat.png|none|frame|Statistics window]]
[[Image:Wstat.png|none|frame|Statistics window]]
Contesnt of windows looks like:
  Statistics for band 144 MHz
Contest:          III. subregionalni zavod 2012
QSOs:            845
QSO points:      320228
Points:          320228
Average pts/QSO:  378.97
Average qsop/QSO: 378.97
Points/50 QSOs:  20516
  WWLs: 103
JO31: 20059  39    JO43:  4705  9    JO71:  1965  8    JN15:  872  1   
KN04:  9891  13    JN98:  4631  12    JO44:  1905  3    JN68:  865  7   
JO32:  9156  16    JO21:  4455  7    JN36:  1858  3    JN56:  841  2   
JO51:  8481  30    JO10:  4426  6    JN57:  1828  6    JO77:  832  1   
JN95:  7884  13    JN76:  4338  12    JN59:  1774  10    KN27:  811  1   
JN89:  7701  32    JO40:  4321  12    JO72:  1725  5    JN66:  785  2   
JN99:  7630  22    JO52:  4199  11    KN08:  1632  3    JO82:  782  2   
JN48:  6864  20    JN45:  4056  7    KN15:  1601  2    JN62:  780  1   
JN37:  6739  13    JO65:  3963  6    JN96:  1528  3    KN28:  780  1   
JN55:  6391  13    JO53:  3812  8    KN16:  1496  2    JN18:  767  1   
JO62:  6322  19    JO60:  3611  31    KN17:  1473  2    JN34:  738  1   
JO50:  5995  27    JN94:  3557  5    KN06:  1423  2    JO45:  729  1   
JO30:  5954  12    JO61:  3357  17    JN69:  1381  32    JO11:  728  1   
JO41:  5941  14    JN79:  3293  35    JN35:  1348  2    JN83:  698  1   
JO22:  5924  9    JN58:  3233  14    JO55:  1330  2    JN63:  681  1   
JN54:  5910  10    JN97:  3226  7    JN44:  1260  2    JN53:  668  1   
JO42:  5884  13    JN88:  2949  11    JO94:  1229  2    KN18:  634  1   
JO70:  5588  41    JN39:  2938  6    KN09:  1168  2    KN19:  625  1   
JN65:  5531  12    JN38:  2917  6    JN64:  1126  2    JN84:  595  1   
JN85:  5444  11    JO90:  2465  7    JN77:  1116  4    JO81:  594  2   
JO20:  5114  8    JN86:  2381  6    JN04:  1111  1    JN74:  564  1   
JO33:  5069  8    JN29:  2351  4    JN87:  1100  3    JN46:  504  1   
JN49:  4967  14    JO80:  2188  10    KN07:  1024  2    JO74:  502  1   
JN75:  4920  11    JO73:  2147  5    JN23:  985  1    JO63:  492  1   
JN47:  4848  11    JN27:  2113  3    KN13:  960  1    JN67:  401  2   
KN05:  4814  7    JO23:  2072  3    JN78:  889  6   
  DXCCs: 19
  DL:112895 326      9A: 17072  33      S5:  7956  20      OE:  3529  15   
    I: 26992  49      F: 16074  25      ON:  7919  12      SM:  2801  4   
  OK: 25467 178      OM: 13628  35      YO:  7511  10      E7:  2633  4   
  PA: 22246  35      HB: 11216  22      HA:  7499  16      UR:  1414  2   
  YU: 19034  26      SP:  9635  26      OZ:  4707  7   
Hours                        Points                          QSOs  AVG pts/QSO
14-15: [********************] 22177  :  [********************] 71  :  312  odx OZ2AR/P
15-16: [*****************  ] 19070  :  [***************    ] 56  :  340  odx PA5WT
16-17: [****************    ] 18007  :  [******************  ] 64  :  281  odx YU7ACO
17-18: [**************      ] 16086  :  [************        ] 44  :  365  odx F4EGA
18-19: [**************      ] 15960  :  [***********        ] 40  :  399  odx IK4WKU/6
19-20: [******************* ] 21195  :  [**************      ] 53  :  399  odx YU5RY
20-21: [*************      ] 15162  :  [**********          ] 38  :  399  odx YT7C
21-22: [**************      ] 16612  :  [************        ] 44  :  377  odx TM2K
22-23: [***************    ] 16640  :  [***********        ] 42  :  396  odx YO2LYN
23-24: [**********          ] 11148  :  [*********          ] 33  :  337  odx F6KCP/P
00-01: [*****              ]  6631  :  [******              ] 22  :  301  odx HB9G/P
01-02: [*****              ]  5734  :  [*****              ] 20  :  286  odx YT4B
02-03: [****                ]  4902  :  [***                ] 13  :  377  odx OM3KHU
03-04: [*********          ] 10333  :  [******              ] 24  :  430  odx YT7W
04-05: [********            ]  9650  :  [******              ] 24  :  402  odx F6HJO/P
05-06: [***********        ] 12924  :  [********            ] 29  :  445  odx YO2LZA/P
06-07: [********            ]  9516  :  [*****              ] 20  :  475  odx YP5A/P
07-08: [*********          ] 10398  :  [********            ] 29  :  358  odx YU1LA
08-09: [****************    ] 18744  :  [***********        ] 41  :  457  odx F1USF
09-10: [***************    ] 16696  :  [**********          ] 37  :  451  odx F6IQK
10-11: [***********        ] 12994  :  [********            ] 30  :  433  odx SM7GVF
11-12: [***********        ] 12482  :  [********            ] 30  :  416  odx ON6ZT
12-13: [**********          ] 11978  :  [*******            ] 26  :  460  odx E77ED
13-14: [****                ]  5189  :  [****                ] 15  :  345  odx IK1PAG
  TOP 10 DX QSOs:
F6IQK        JN04IU 1110 km by OK1MZM CWs SSBr
F1USF        JN23CN  984 km by OK1NP  SSB
YU1LA        KN13DG  959 km by OK1DOL SSB
F5KRY/P      JN15XH  871 km by OK1NP  SSB
SM7GVF        JO77GA  831 km by OK1NP  SSB
YU5RY        KN04RL  814 km by OK1DOL SSB
YP5A/P        KN27DM  810 km by OK1DOL SSB
YO2LZA/P      KN15FI  806 km by OK1DOL SSB
YT4TT        KN04SQ  802 km by OK1DOL SSB
TM2K          JO10HE  796 km by OK1DOL SSB
You can save contents to the text file by [[Contest#Export_Statistics|Export Statistics]].

=Graphics map=
=Graphics map=
[[Image:Wmap.png|none|frame|Graphics polar map]]
[[Image:Wmap.png|none|frame|Graphics polar map]]

This polar map shows state boundaries, worked QSOs, antenna directions and many more. Use cursor arrows or drag mouse to move map. Zoom is done using +, - keys or mouse wheel.
This polar map shows state boundaries, worked QSOs, antenna directions and many more. Use cursor arrows or drag mouse to move map. Zoom is done using +, - keys or mouse wheel.  
Right mouse click on map shows context menu. It allows turn antenna to current point.
[[Image:MapContextRotar.png|thumb|none|Map context menu]]


=Graphics map=
It also shows [[Rain Scatter]] map.

[[Image:Wscope.png|none|frame|Scope/FFT windows]]
[[Image:Wscope.png|none|frame|Scope window]]
This window has more view modes, you can switch between they by Space key. On the top image there is "scope" mode.
In older versions there was also FFT waterfall but now I have problems with the FFTW library so it is disabled until I solve this issue.
[[Image:WscopeFFT.png|none|frame|Scope window with FFT waterfall]]

Tucnak shows spectrum and waterfall of recorded/played signal. It uses non-linear filtering described by [ VE3NEA]. Space turns scope and FFT modes.
''Tucnak shows spectrum and waterfall of recorded/played signal. It uses non-linear filtering described by [ VE3NEA]. Space turns scope and FFT modes.''

Latest revision as of 21:12, 17 April 2021


ON4KST chat window

New in Tucnak3. Connection to ON4KST chat does not use telnet, it connects directly to server which allows better integration with Tucnak. Enter your account information in Contest defaults. Then press Enter. Tucnak will enter username and password. If you have opened contest and all read-write bands belongs to one type of KST chat, tucnak enters also chat number. At end of chat with server Tucnak sets your personal name by command /set name.

After disconnect, you can press Enter again. To manually disconnect, use Kill connection in menu Subwins or press Ctrl+V then C followed by Enter.

Keys Ctrl+K show dialog:

KST callsign

After OK it writes command /CQ CALL into input line.

Keys Alt+K search for previous /CQ command and fill it into input line. Works again like Alt+P with filter.

Right button click is showing context menu. If you click on callsign, it uses callsign under cursor. Otherwise spot sender is used.

KST context menu
  • Ask for sked - Format message in the form: "GM Claudio, PSE sked .120 on 3cm OK?". You must have callsign name in Name database, and set QRG for sked.
  • Select - Select callsign - it means it is important for you, spot is colored yellow. Worked calls are displayed in dark yellow
  • Hide - Hide callsign - spots are displayed dark grey. Use for example for not QRV calls
  • Message - Same as Ctrl+K
  • Info - Show Call info about callsign
  • Use - Enter call in main band inputline

Left button is same as Select command above.

Long lines are split to fit in the window.

Output of /sh us command is parsed and output is added into C_W and Name database. Yout must enter command manualy. Files are saved together with other contest files (F2, new QSO enterer or QSO arrived from network).

Note: Tucnak prevents to enter 2-7 numbers to avoid to send contest code to KST. If you have only numeric password, store it in Contest defaults.


Shift + key does not work under text mode.

  • Shift + Up: scroll QRV list to upper position
  • Shift + Down: scroll QRV listto lower position
  • Shift + PageUp: scroll QRV listhalf page to upper position
  • Shift + PageDown: scroll QRV listhalf page to lower position
  • Shift + Home: scroll QRV listto home position

See also: RS and AS in Tucnak


Shell windows

You can run here any text-mode command. Good for telnet connection to ON4KST chat, DX cluster or WW-convers. All DX cluster spots are recognized and displayed in DXC window.

Since 3.0 please use specialized windows for ON4KST chat and DX Cluster.


Tucnak highlights with red color station callsign, operator callsign. Also suffixes when are two or more characters long. You can click on line to enable/disable yellow highlight of all lines containing these calls. Format of lines must be known for tucnak, at this time it recognize DX cluster, ON4KST chat and WW-convers. Worked stations are turned to dark yellow.


QSOs window

Use cursor keys to move cursor. Press ENTER to edit QSO. Press A to see QSOs from all bands.


HF window

This window contains all information needed for HF contest like missing multipliers, rate, band and total score, DXCC info, sunrise/sunset, distance, azimut, calls from master.scp and band map.

For more detailed info look at HF contest setup page.

QRV list

QRV list

Feature for microwaves. Show unworked calls from qrv file. You can sort list by any column to see calls which will give you maximal benefit. WKD column means number of QSOs on current band in latest contests. AcKST show time of last activity of station on ON4KST chat. Text is prefilled by source of information but you can enter anything you want.

You must manually prepare list of stations QRV in this contest. Based on last contests or on other source you have. In 2.27-2.34 is support only for qrv list loading. Save support is since 2.35. Recommended way to add your items before contest is:

  1. Create new contest
  2. Close contest
  3. Create or modify file named qrv in contest directory
  4. Open contest

During contest if you highlight call in Shell window, it is added in this window. When you work the station, item disappears. It is possible to delete item if you are sure it not QRV (you see message on chat that rig is broken etc.).

Enter in this window will clear collected qso data and send callsing here as typed by keyboard. Mouse is not used.


Log window

In this window are various program messages - informations, warnings, errors, talk messages, sked informations, direct ON4KST messages and httpd log. Latests lines are showed on last lines of screen (number can be set in Misc options and saved in log file.


WAV player window

Visualization of replayed contest WAV's. On the top is full file view. Bottom is detailed view of played part of file.


  • Left arrow - seek backward 2 secs
  • Right arrow - seek forward 1 sec
  • Down arrow - seek backward 10 secs
  • Up arrow - seek forward 10 secs
  • P or Space - play same file again


Chart window

Show points versus time progress chart for current band (white). You can press:

  • Insert to choose contest and compare with all bands in this contest
  • Home to add TXT or EDI file from out of contest tree. If you choose edi file, only this file is added. If you choose txt file, Tucnak loads all txt files from choosen directory.

Colour of compare chart is hash of directory name.

Last line are time and points for corresponding point under mouse cursor.

Small square and line down is the operator change mark.


Sked window

All skeds for current band sent by Sked function. Brown rows are worked.


Talk window

Use inputline and sent messages to all other Tucnaks connected together.

DX Cluster

DX cluster window

New in 3.01. Layout of window is divided into two parts:


The left contains traditional spot view in time axis. Without contest all spots are shown. During contest spots are filtered and Tucnak shows spots only on read-write bands.

After start the DXC window is disconnected. For connect, fill your credentials in Contest defaults, activate window and pres Enter. Program tries to login without user interaction. In connected mode Tucnak sends all spot over local network for other instances.


Right side shows bandmap. It shows spots for current band. If you have rig connected, you can see band map around your frequency. No manual scrolling is possible in current version. Main application window must be at least 98 chars wide to show bandmap.

Frequency colors:

  • white: spot is up to 15 minutes old
  • grey: spot is 15-60 minutes old
  • older spots are deleted

Callsign colors:

  • grey: normal
  • yellow: selected callsign
  • brown: selected worked callsign
  • dark grey: hidden callsign

Please read Highlighting section.

Context menu

Right button click is showing context menu. If you click on callsign, it uses callsign under cursor. Otherwise spotted station.

KST context menu
  • Select - Select callsign - it means it is important for you, spot is colored yellow. Worked calls are displayed in dark yellow
  • Hide - Hide callsign - spots are displayed dark grey. Use for example for not QRV calls
  • Info - Show Call info about callsign
  • Use - Enter call in main band inputline. If you use [Setup#Rig_options|rig control] it also sets frequency on it.


Shift + key and Ctrl + key do not work under text mode.

  • Shift + Up: scroll bandmap to upper position
  • Shift + Down: scroll bandmap to lower position
  • Shift + PageUp: scroll bandmap half page to upper position
  • Shift + PageDown: scroll bandmap half page to lower position
  • Shift + Home: scroll bandmap to home position
  • Ctrl + Up: move actual bandmap to upper spot
  • Ctrl + Down: move actual bandmap to lower spot

Unfinished QSOs

Unfinished QSOs window

By pressing Alt+U, you can save informations about unfinished QSO for future. Very usable is locator (if copied) or some remark about QRG etc.


Statistics window

Contesnt of windows looks like:

  Statistics for band 144 MHz

Contest:          III. subregionalni zavod 2012
QSOs:             845
QSO points:       320228
Points:           320228
Average pts/QSO:  378.97
Average qsop/QSO: 378.97
Points/50 QSOs:   20516

  WWLs: 103
JO31: 20059  39    JO43:  4705   9    JO71:  1965   8    JN15:   872   1    
KN04:  9891  13    JN98:  4631  12    JO44:  1905   3    JN68:   865   7    
JO32:  9156  16    JO21:  4455   7    JN36:  1858   3    JN56:   841   2    
JO51:  8481  30    JO10:  4426   6    JN57:  1828   6    JO77:   832   1    
JN95:  7884  13    JN76:  4338  12    JN59:  1774  10    KN27:   811   1    
JN89:  7701  32    JO40:  4321  12    JO72:  1725   5    JN66:   785   2    
JN99:  7630  22    JO52:  4199  11    KN08:  1632   3    JO82:   782   2    
JN48:  6864  20    JN45:  4056   7    KN15:  1601   2    JN62:   780   1    
JN37:  6739  13    JO65:  3963   6    JN96:  1528   3    KN28:   780   1    
JN55:  6391  13    JO53:  3812   8    KN16:  1496   2    JN18:   767   1    
JO62:  6322  19    JO60:  3611  31    KN17:  1473   2    JN34:   738   1    
JO50:  5995  27    JN94:  3557   5    KN06:  1423   2    JO45:   729   1    
JO30:  5954  12    JO61:  3357  17    JN69:  1381  32    JO11:   728   1    
JO41:  5941  14    JN79:  3293  35    JN35:  1348   2    JN83:   698   1    
JO22:  5924   9    JN58:  3233  14    JO55:  1330   2    JN63:   681   1    
JN54:  5910  10    JN97:  3226   7    JN44:  1260   2    JN53:   668   1    
JO42:  5884  13    JN88:  2949  11    JO94:  1229   2    KN18:   634   1    
JO70:  5588  41    JN39:  2938   6    KN09:  1168   2    KN19:   625   1    
JN65:  5531  12    JN38:  2917   6    JN64:  1126   2    JN84:   595   1    
JN85:  5444  11    JO90:  2465   7    JN77:  1116   4    JO81:   594   2    
JO20:  5114   8    JN86:  2381   6    JN04:  1111   1    JN74:   564   1    
JO33:  5069   8    JN29:  2351   4    JN87:  1100   3    JN46:   504   1    
JN49:  4967  14    JO80:  2188  10    KN07:  1024   2    JO74:   502   1    
JN75:  4920  11    JO73:  2147   5    JN23:   985   1    JO63:   492   1    
JN47:  4848  11    JN27:  2113   3    KN13:   960   1    JN67:   401   2    
KN05:  4814   7    JO23:  2072   3    JN78:   889   6    

  DXCCs: 19
  DL:112895 326      9A: 17072  33      S5:  7956  20      OE:  3529  15    
   I: 26992  49       F: 16074  25      ON:  7919  12      SM:  2801   4    
  OK: 25467 178      OM: 13628  35      YO:  7511  10      E7:  2633   4    
  PA: 22246  35      HB: 11216  22      HA:  7499  16      UR:  1414   2    
  YU: 19034  26      SP:  9635  26      OZ:  4707   7    

Hours                         Points                          QSOs   AVG pts/QSO
14-15: [********************] 22177  :  [********************] 71  :  312  odx OZ2AR/P
15-16: [*****************   ] 19070  :  [***************     ] 56  :  340  odx PA5WT
16-17: [****************    ] 18007  :  [******************  ] 64  :  281  odx YU7ACO
17-18: [**************      ] 16086  :  [************        ] 44  :  365  odx F4EGA
18-19: [**************      ] 15960  :  [***********         ] 40  :  399  odx IK4WKU/6
19-20: [******************* ] 21195  :  [**************      ] 53  :  399  odx YU5RY
20-21: [*************       ] 15162  :  [**********          ] 38  :  399  odx YT7C
21-22: [**************      ] 16612  :  [************        ] 44  :  377  odx TM2K
22-23: [***************     ] 16640  :  [***********         ] 42  :  396  odx YO2LYN
23-24: [**********          ] 11148  :  [*********           ] 33  :  337  odx F6KCP/P
00-01: [*****               ]  6631  :  [******              ] 22  :  301  odx HB9G/P
01-02: [*****               ]  5734  :  [*****               ] 20  :  286  odx YT4B
02-03: [****                ]  4902  :  [***                 ] 13  :  377  odx OM3KHU
03-04: [*********           ] 10333  :  [******              ] 24  :  430  odx YT7W
04-05: [********            ]  9650  :  [******              ] 24  :  402  odx F6HJO/P
05-06: [***********         ] 12924  :  [********            ] 29  :  445  odx YO2LZA/P
06-07: [********            ]  9516  :  [*****               ] 20  :  475  odx YP5A/P
07-08: [*********           ] 10398  :  [********            ] 29  :  358  odx YU1LA
08-09: [****************    ] 18744  :  [***********         ] 41  :  457  odx F1USF
09-10: [***************     ] 16696  :  [**********          ] 37  :  451  odx F6IQK
10-11: [***********         ] 12994  :  [********            ] 30  :  433  odx SM7GVF
11-12: [***********         ] 12482  :  [********            ] 30  :  416  odx ON6ZT
12-13: [**********          ] 11978  :  [*******             ] 26  :  460  odx E77ED
13-14: [****                ]  5189  :  [****                ] 15  :  345  odx IK1PAG

  TOP 10 DX QSOs:
F6IQK         JN04IU 1110 km by OK1MZM CWs SSBr
F1USF         JN23CN  984 km by OK1NP  SSB
YU1LA         KN13DG  959 km by OK1DOL SSB
F5KRY/P       JN15XH  871 km by OK1NP  SSB
SM7GVF        JO77GA  831 km by OK1NP  SSB
YU5RY         KN04RL  814 km by OK1DOL SSB
YP5A/P        KN27DM  810 km by OK1DOL SSB
YO2LZA/P      KN15FI  806 km by OK1DOL SSB
YT4TT         KN04SQ  802 km by OK1DOL SSB
TM2K          JO10HE  796 km by OK1DOL SSB

You can save contents to the text file by Export Statistics.

Graphics map

Graphics polar map

This polar map shows state boundaries, worked QSOs, antenna directions and many more. Use cursor arrows or drag mouse to move map. Zoom is done using +, - keys or mouse wheel.

Right mouse click on map shows context menu. It allows turn antenna to current point.

Map context menu

It also shows Rain Scatter map.


Scope window

This window has more view modes, you can switch between they by Space key. On the top image there is "scope" mode.

In older versions there was also FFT waterfall but now I have problems with the FFTW library so it is disabled until I solve this issue.

Scope window with FFT waterfall

Tucnak shows spectrum and waterfall of recorded/played signal. It uses non-linear filtering described by VE3NEA. Space turns scope and FFT modes.