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Revision as of 15:59, 10 February 2012 by Ok1zia (talk | contribs)
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ON4KST chat window

New in Tucnak3. Connection to ON4KST chat does not use telnet, it connects directly to server which allows better integration with Tucnak. Enter your account information in Contest defaults. Then press Enter. Tucnak will enter username and password. If you have opened contest and all read-write bands belongs to one type of KST chat, tucnak enters also chat number. At end of chat with server Tucnak sets your personal name by command /set name.

After disconnect, you can press Enter again. To manually disconnect, exit Tucnak or press Ctrl+V then C followed by Enter.

Keys Ctrl+K show dialog

KST callsign

. After OK it writes command /CQ CALL into input line.

Keys Alt+K search for previous /CQ command and fill it into input line. Works again like Alt+P with filter.

Right button click is showing context menu

KST context menu


  • Select - Select callsign - it means it is important for you. Worked calls are displayed darker.
  • Hide -
  • Message -
  • Info -
  • Use -

Left button is same as Select command above.


Shell windows

You can run here any text-mode command. Good for telnet connection to ON4KST chat, DX cluster or WW-convers. All DX cluster spots are recognized and displayed in DXC window.


Tucnak highlights with red color station callsign, operator callsign. Also suffixes when are two or more characters long. You can click on line to enable/disable yellow highlight of all lines containing these calls. Format of lines must be known for tucnak, at this time it recognize DX cluster, ON4KST chat and WW-convers. Worked stations are turned to dark yellow.


QSOs window

Use cursor keys to move cursor. Press ENTER to edit QSO.


QRV list

Feature for microwaves. You can prepare list of stations QRV in this contest. Based on last contests or on other source you have. In 2.27-2.34 is support only for qrv list loading. Save support is since 2.35. Recommended way to add your items before contest is:

  1. Create new contest
  2. Close contest
  3. Create or modify file named qrv in contest directory
  4. Open contest

During contest if you highlight call in Shell window, it is added in this window. When you work the station, item disappears. It is possible to delete item if you are sure it not QRV (you see message on chat that rig is broken etc.).

Enter in this window will clear collected qso data and send callsing here as typed by keyboard. Mouse is not used.






Talk window

Use inputline and sent messages to all other Tucnaks connected together.

DX Cluster

Unfinished QSOs

Unfinished QSOs window

By pressing Alt+U, you can save informations about unfinished QSO for future. Very usable is locator (if copied) or some remark about QRG etc.


Statistics window

Graphics map

Graphics polar map

This polar map shows state boundaries, worked QSOs, antenna directions and many more. Use cursor arrows or drag mouse to move map. Zoom is done using +, - keys or mouse wheel.


Graphics map


Scope/FFT windows

Tucnak shows spectrum and waterfall of recorded/played signal. It uses non-linear filtering described by VE3NEA. Space turns scope and FFT modes.